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Marketing tips to generate gym leads

By April 24, 2019News
marketing to generate gym leads man running on treadmill

There’s no use opening a gym, then not telling anyone about it! It’s no secret that marketing is your special sauce to generating new business for your gym. But what tactics can you actually use to bring those leads through the door to show them what you’re really made of? And how can you keep track of them to make sure they go from lead to loyal member? Your gym sales software can certainly lend a helping hand… Let’s dive into some tactics you can use to generate and manage gym leads today.

Social media

Facebook and Instagram are some of the most powerful tools in your kit when it comes to attracting new gym leads. Why? It’s where most of your potential members like to hang out in their down time. So, be where they are! You’ve got to be in it to win it, right?

Start by identifying which platforms your members are most likely to use regularly – these might be Facebook or Instagram, or another platform entirely. The idea behind social media is to build brand awareness and engage your audience with content they actually want to see (read: don’t try and sell to them all the time). Once you’ve built a good following, you can start to trickle a few promotional and sales focussed posts into their feeds, as well as running Facebook or Instagram ads.

Social media can also be so powerful for your gym as new members will often turn to their peers online to check out reviews of your gym. You can bet your bottom dollar that they will visit your Facebook page and have a look at the reviews other customers have left before even thinking about making contact with you. It’s all part of buyer behaviour – they like to confirm they are making a good decision by comparing to other customers with similar experiences.

Corporate gym days

Target local businesses by inviting them to your gym where they can train as a team with your personal trainers or group fitness instructors. By inviting a local company to try out your business, you’re automatically attracting and engaging with a group of new leads – the staff at the local businesses – all in one go.

Make sure to offer them a special joining or membership fee if they do sign up with your gym!

Host free training days

This is a no brainer, but to attract new gym leads you sometimes need to entice them with a bargain. Hosting a free training day or weekend gives potential new members a chance to visit your gym and give it a try without feeling like they’re locked into anything or have to strike up a conversation one-on-one.

Offering a free training day to the locals helps you make an impression in the community and show them exactly what you have to offer. Just be sure to take down every single person’s details and have your sales team follow up with them to see how they enjoyed their training day. You can even choose to offer them an exclusive membership deal at a reduced cost or throw in some added value, such as a free PT session, to ensure they feel special.

Reward your existing members

Treat them mean, keep them keen doesn’t apply in the gym world. Make sure that you are rewarding your existing members just as much as your new members. These guys provide the best marketing you could ask for – word of mouth. There’s nothing a potential customer will trust more than a recommendation straight from a friend, family member or work mate.

Make sure you have an outstanding loyalty program in place that rewards any customer that refers a new member to your gym.

Keep track of your leads with gym sales software

MyMemberSales can help you keep track of every single new lead you bring into your business, so you can make sure they convert to a happy and loyal customer in no time flat. Check out how Health Mates improved their gym lead management in leaps and bounds with MyMemberSales.

We’d love to show you exactly how MyMemberSales can help you manage the flow of a customer’s journey from the initial enquiry all the way through to when they convert to a member. Sign up for a free trial of MyMemberSales today and take it for a test drive!