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4 fitness business resolutions to stick to in 2019

By January 25, 2019News
person running up stairs

2019 is well and truly underway and maybe you set yourself some fitness business resolutions for the new year. If you did, ask yourself, how are those resolutions going? The unfortunate situation we all commonly find ourselves in when setting new year’s resolutions is that they are almost always fleeting. Set on a whim because we feel like that’s what is normal with the fresh start a new year represents.

When you’re putting your business on the line, you don’t want your goals and grand plans to be fleeting. If you have big dreams for your gym or health club in 2019 and want resolutions you might actually stick to, gym sales software can help.

A resolution is just a goal

Tip one: flip your mindset before you make any resolutions. A resolution is really just a goal! Goals need to be actionable and well thought out, plus, you need a strategy as to how you can possibly achieve them. Most importantly, they need to be SMART to have the greatest impact on your business.

SMART goals are not a new concept. But are they effective? Absolutely! You see, when you set a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely, you’re setting something that has a plan. When you have a goal that’s well planned out, it is so much easier to work towards actually achieving it rather than just saying, “This year I want to gain more members.”

Focus on leadership

Did you close off the year with performance reviews with your employees, or a group feedback session? Often these open and honest conversations can reveal so many valuable insights, particularly what can be improved in the business or your leadership. If focussing on your leadership skills in 2019 is something you want to pursue, what can you do?

The best action you can take is to chat with other business owners, from the same industry or other industries, and learn from their leadership mistakes and triumphs. There is so much that can be gained from other entrepreneurs and applied in your own business.

Set and review realistic staff targets

Have an idea in mind for what you would like your gym staff to achieve this year? Focus on setting realistic targets that align with your broader business goals, but won’t be unattainable.

With your gym sales software, you can access valuable reports which not only reflect business results, but your gym employees’ performance too. These reports give you insight into the total number of sales, how prospects heard about your business, how many appointments were booked and so much more. From here, you can have regular catch-ups with your team and discuss strategies on how they can improve and meet their targets, but also praise them on all their hard work so far.

Increase new sales with gym sales software

As a fitness club, new members and member retention are normally at the top of your priority list when it comes to your fitness business success. If increasing the number of new sales in 2019 compared to 2018 is up your goal-setting alley, enlist the help of a sales tool that can help you streamline the whole process so you never let another sale slip through the cracks.

MyMemberSales’ gym sales software gives you the unique ability to track a potential member all the way from lead acquisition to the final sale. It holds your sales team accountable by assigning a new lead to a specific member, and helps them maximise their time and reminds them to take actions with specific leads with an essential appointment diary and to do lists.

Prioritise balance

As a business owner, it can be so easy to find yourself working 24/7 – impossible to separate work from family, friends, and leisure time. If work/life balance is something you’re itching for in 2019, make it one of your resolutions.

Look at your schedule and work patterns now – is there anything you could delegate to your staff, or automate using your gym sales software? If so, you know what to do!

Curious to learn exactly how MyMemberSales gym sales software works? Click here for your free trial!