Ready to make your gym membership sales soar higher than ever before? Use these few key tactics to enhance your gym marketing plan and entice those valuable leads to become long term, loyal members. We’ll also share how your gym sales software can help you increase gym membership sales, starting today.
Provide a personalised experience with gym sales software
This is no secret, but potential members never want to feel like just a number. They want to feel like you want their business and are prepared to take the time and attention it takes to win it, over your competitor down the road.
Focus on offering a personalised experience to your leads and making them feel as special and welcome to your gym as possible. With MyMemberSales, you can make this process so much more streamlined with a few vital lead management tools.
The Tasks and Diaries feature is the best place for your sales team to make notes of items they need to action with your leads, such as giving them a follow-up call right before their free trial of your gym is about to expire. The interactions tool is where your sales person would pop down any meetings or calls with the leads and what was discussed.
Finally, you can keep in touch with your leads and keep them warm through an SMS feature that allows you to send text messages directly to your prospect to remind them of any upcoming appointments. All of these powerful features will help arm your team with the information they need to give your leads the best, personalised experience possible.
Encourage positive reviews on social media
Focus on building a positive and active community on social media. Social media is often one of the first places your leads will discover your brand, or one of the first place they will flock to check when they hear about you through another source, like a friend. Ensuring that you have an active feed with regular posts and a genuine following will do leaps and bounds for attracting leads to your business and influencing their decision to sign-up.
Positive social media reviews is a major player in this process. Leads will want to know what current members honestly think about your business. To help build the good vibes, ask your members to post a review for you on Facebook and Google. Keep in mind to double check they are completely happy with your business first though and there are no outstanding issues – of course! The last thing you would want is an unhappy member taking their rant online and driving away leads.
Advertise with a juicy offer that has a deadline
To help encourage your gym leads to take the leap of faith with your health club, a juicy offer can often be just the thing to get them across the line. Think about what kinds of things you could offer your new sign-ups that would work well logistically for your business. Perhaps it might be a free nutrition plan, some free swag, a personalised fitness and diet consultation with one of your personal trainers at a reduced cost?
Whatever you choose to offer, it will need to appeal to your ideal target market. If your gym is located in a city centre and you have lots of working professionals through your doors, perhaps offering a consultation with your personal trainers is the way to go, as these leads would be more likely to continue training sessions with the PT rather than budget conscious students for example. Students may be happier receiving a bunch of free merchandise including a water bottle and gym towel for instance.
Keep in mind that a key factor to your offer being effective is putting a deadline on it. State in your advertising that the offer is only valid until the end of the month, for instance, and encourage the potential member to act before it’s too late. By putting a deadline on your juicy offers, you’re so much more likely to create that feeling of FOMO and invoking action from your prospects.
Ready to take MyMemberSales for a spin yourself? You can try it for FREE for one month – starting today! Sign up here to get started.